For us, certifications are an opportunity to contribute to the well-being of the planet and people through the continuous improvement of every aspect of company management.
With our current certifications, we support our customers and partners in achieving ever higher quality standards and are committed to giving our people pleasant and safe working environments.
Our next goal? Certification for Social Accountability – SA8000. We are already working!
We strive for excellence in every aspect of our work by committing ourselves to ever-higher quality standards.
Safety to protect people and the environment in which we operate is our first commitment to Sustainable Development.
In the awareness that commitment to workers is an essential element for the company’s development, EAM LUCIDATURA intends to undertake the process of certifying its Social Accountability System according to the SA8000 standard and the full implementation of the requirements of the SA8000 (Social Accountability) standard.
Safety to protect people and the environment in which we operate is our first commitment to Sustainable Development.
The ways in which the company ensures that children are not employed, even accidentally, at work are expressly laid down in the procedure. The guiding principles are those set out in the Declaration of Principles in the relevant section.